5.1 Lab: In this project I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For this website Code Nation students where challenged to create a website to spread global warming awareness. I found the tagline "The climate is changing! why aren't we?" online and thought it fit perfectly as the head of my website. I then went online and found images of statistics and nature to put on my website. Along with that I included links to other websites so that users could find other ways to help the environment. GitHub Repo: (https://github.com/areilly1/51-Lab.git) Live Site: (https://areilly1.github.io/51-Lab/)
Ristorante De Adrian: In this project I used HTML and CSS. For this website I created a menu for my favorite foods. This website includes wings, pasta, pizza, and drinks. Along with the images of the food, I also included links to restraunts that serve this food all over Chicago. Furthermore, I added multiple fonts to keep the website spicy. GitHub Repo: (https://github.com/areilly1/Ristorante-De-Adrian-1.git) Live Site: (https://areilly1.github.io/Ristorante-De-Adrian-1/)
Band Page: In this project I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript This band page is for kittens. All the pictures provided by Code Nation. .mouseenter and .mouseleave allow for one of the pictures to appear and disappear. Another part of the javascript is at the bottom where users can send feedback. GitHub Repo: (https://github.com/areilly1/Band-Page.git) Live Site: (https://areilly1.github.io/Band-Page/)
Giphy Project: In this project I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The main point of the project was to retrieve images from an API. GitHub Repo: (https://github.com/areilly1/061-jQuery-WhackAMole.git) Live Site: (https://giphyproject.glitch.me)